Anesthesia Instructions
When you are going to undergo a procedure that involves sedation or anesthesia then it is necessary for you to fast beforehand. You must not eat or drink anything for a minimum of six hours before your surgery. There are exceptions for certain medications that must be taken with a sip of water, but our office will instruct you. Please contact us if you have any questions. Another requirement is that you must arrange for a licensed drive to stay and drive you home after your procedure.
Current Prescriptions and Medications
Continue taking any current prescriptions or medications. This includes any antibiotics, blood pressure and thyroid medications, medications for mood, anxiety and depression. These can be taken with small sips of water before your surgery as directed by your doctor. Please consult our dental office in Norwalk, Connecticut, if you are unsure or if you have any questions.
Clothing & Attire
Prior to your procedure we will attach several monitors and a secured nasal-mask to give you supplemental oxygen, these are all for your safety. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing (short sleeves or a T-shirt). Avoid any clothing or garments that may interfere with the visibility of your skin or monitoring or restrict access to your mouth, face, head, neck or chest. Wearing any clothes or attire that may add a risk of contamination as well as interfere with the management and recognition of complications such as allergic reactions is not allowed. Please contact us at 203-489-0980 with any questions you may have.
Facial Hair and Nail Polish
Shave before your surgery for your own safety. Facial hair presents the chance that your oxygen mask will not fit securely and that it may obscure the visibility of your skin, which could prevent us from recognizing an allergic reaction. It may also become an obstruction for the instruments, materials or tools used during your surgery.
For your safety, remove all nail polish before your surgery. Nail polish can interfere with the important monitoring equipment that is used during surgeries that use anesthesia.
Do not smoke before or after your surgery. Smoking can irritate your airway and increase the risk that you may face complications during anesthesia. After surgery, smoking can be detrimental to your healing as well as increase your risk for complications like dry socket, infection, delayed healing and worse pain after surgery.
Contact Lenses
Avoid wearing contact lenses during any procedure that involves anesthesia.
Changing Health, Medications or Insurance
Notify our office or doctor of any changes in your health, medications or insurance. If you become sick or ill before surgery, please contact us.
Surgical Operatory Set-Up, Medication & Materials Surcharge
The team at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Fairfield County will be happy to answer any questions that you have and help you with scheduling your appointments with our oral surgeon, Dr. Imanuel Babayev, and we will also contact your insurance carrier on your behalf to determine your benefits. We ask you to please arrive early for your surgery so that we may address any questions or concerns that you may have. Before your surgery, we will have prepared the surgical operatory, monitors, instruments, equipment, materials and medications.