Ideally, a tooth extraction should be a treatment of last resort. After all, your natural teeth are the best ones of your smile and serve you well when it comes to eating, speaking and your appearance. However, there are occasions when our oral surgeon may suggest an extraction in order to maintain the health, alignment, or even appearance of your smile.
When Tooth Extraction Becomes Necessary
Those occasions may include:
- A severe amount of tooth damage or decay that cannot be addressed by a dental filling or crown
- An infection that has reached a point where a root canal will not be effective and the health of your smile and even your jawbone may be at risk
- Crowding, which is the result of too many teeth. This condition can result in infections, tooth decay and alignment issues. This condition can also lead to damage to your teeth.
Schedule Your consultation
Our oral surgeon and team will do everything possible to make sure that your visit for a tooth extraction is not just comfortable but also safe and will provide you with the necessary aftercare instructions to prevent damage or the painful condition known as dry socket. Our oral surgeon may want to see you for a follow-up visit to make sure that the extraction site is healing properly and to discuss your replacement options.